We support higher education institutions and science and research institutes in the process of commercialising the outcomes of research and development works. Our services in this area include:

  • selection of an appropriate commercialisation path,
  • legal, tax, and accounting analyses,
  • market and benchmarking analyses,
  • technological surveys,
  • searching for a business partner/investor,
  • preparation and negotiation of partnership agreements,
  • obtaining co-funding for R&D projects and pre-implementation works,
  • R&D project management,
  • support in the final implementation of the R&D results on the market.

Michał Mielczarek
Dyrektor ds. Marketingu i Sprzedaży
tel. 784 925 833

Kinga Dyśkowska
Specjalista ds. Zamówień Publicznych
tel. 604 938 256