We offer comprehensive service of investment projects. We support investors at each stage of the investment process.

We have a long history of successful cooperation with local government units, higher education institutions, health care centres, cultural institutions, and research institutions.

With our help, Customers obtain capital necessary to develop their investments, implement new projects, and enhance the competences of their employees. We make key decisions easier to take.

We provide advice with regard to obtaining external funding sources, draw up application documents, and prepare feasibility studies. We provide advice on issues related to the Public Procurement Law Act and the Public-Private Partnership Act.

We design and manage investments and exercise technical and financial supervision over the correct implementation of construction projects. We settle investments, monitor the accomplishment of project indicators, and carry out project audits/evaluations. We also prepare energy audits and provide energy efficiency consulting services.

We conduct professional promotional campaigns for projects co-financed by the European Union, in accordance with the applicable guildelines.


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Renewable Energy Sources

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Public-private partnership

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Engineering consulting

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Project management

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Commercialisation of the results of reserch and development works

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Michał Mielczarek
Dyrektor ds. Marketingu i Sprzedaży
tel. 784 925 833

Kinga Dyśkowska
Specjalista ds. Zamówień Publicznych
tel. 604 938 256