Con la sottoscrizione avvenuta all'Assemblea generale dell'Onu nel settembre 2015, tutti i Paesi del mondo si sono impegnati a raggiungere 17 obiettivi e 169 target che costituiscono la rotta comune di Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) We are at the brink of a global transformation. In a results context, the In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was formally adopted along with 17 Goals and 169 targets to end poverty, protect the planet, and bring prosperity to all human beings over the next 15 years. 17 SDGs | 169 Targets Taking us to The fuTure we wanT. The 2030 Agenda makes explicit this difference between SDG outcomes and processes. These global indicators will help countries measure the progress they are making (Bundesregierung 2015) umfasst 17 Nach-haltigkeitsziele (SDGs) und 169 Unterziele (englisch: targets), deren Zielerreichung an-hand von 244 Indikatoren überprüft werden soll. UNITED NATIONS TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT A/RES/70/1 However, not all 17 SDGs and 169 SDG targets are about outcomes and change on the ground. National policy- makers now face the challenge of implementing this indivisible agenda and achieving progress across the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development world- wide. It is underpinned by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs) and 169 targets. In March 2016, the UN Statistical Commission identified as a “practical starting point” 230 indicators to monitor the SDGs’ 169 targets. United Nation Statistical Commission (UNSC) will then facilitate the indicator formulations process. The international community, through the United Nations, has set in motion a historic plan – 17 Sustainable Development Goals – that aims to build a more prosperous, … Goals (SDGs). Final list of proposed Sustainable Development Goal indicators The following global indicator framework was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs… Goals (SDGs). Some are about the necessary policies and partnerships to achieve the goals and outcomes. Youth are not just beneficiaries of this process – they are essential actors in achieving these Goals. SDG Targets for Business Appendices Table of contents CONTENTS 10 17What is in this document? A mbitious new agenda seeks to end poverty by 2030 and promote global economic prosperity, social development and environmental protection The 193 Member States of the United Nations reached agreement on 2 August The long list of proposed sustainable - 17 goals and 169 targets - are not going to be trimmed down, says UNDP Admin Helen Clark. In September 2015 the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally adopted by the UN General Assembly with the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was formally adopted along with 17 Goals and 169 targets to end poverty, protect the planet, and bring prosperity to all human beings over the next 15 years. In tutta Italia, tra fine maggio e inizi giugno 2019, ci sarà la possibilità di progettare, condividere e promuovere… During the coming 15 years, 17 SDGs, linked to 169 targets, are to form an action plan to free humankind from poverty and return the planet to the path towards sustainability. In order to be able to measure the achievements of the SDGs targets… Youth are not just beneficiaries of this process – they are essential actors in achieving these Goals. Die SDGs lösen die im Jahr 2000 verab-schiedeten acht „Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)“ ab, welche für die internatio-nale Entwicklungspolitik der Jahre 2000 bis •March 23-27: IGN deliberations on SDGs, targets (and indicators) –MS looking forward to a progress report on indicators work (indicative list) –MS will also consider the proposal of the OWG with its 17 goals and 169 targets •Jury out on whether/how far they will agree to consider technical tweaking of specific targets adopted in September 2015. set of 17 indicative goals and 169 indicative targets are proposed to member states for adoption in UN General Assembly in September 2015. success of the SDGs will be new and effective ways of collecting data, monitoring targets and measuring progress.

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